Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Street Teams

This is what I posted on my Facebook Page this morning:  Roc n' Read

I thought I'd share it here too! 

Street Teams: If you look at the description of this page above you'll see that it says "I love to talk about my favorite books and authors!"

I point that out because the subject of Street Teams has come up recently and I've been giving it a lot of thought. I do belong to a few Street Teams. I was invited to join them and I felt honored to be asked. I do believe in these authors, and I was a fan before I joined the Street Team. And, there are also several authors that I love and support and I'm not a member of their Street Team or they don't have one. This doesn't mean that I won't show support for them, share their stuff, etc.

If I'm on your Street Team, it's because I believe in you and your work. It's because I want to show my support. But it's not my job. There will be times when my real life and job will get in the way and I won't be able to things. I also won't lie or do anything I'm not comfortable doing. If someone asks "what are you reading now?" I'm going to be honest. It may seem like a silly thing to some. Like "how hard could it be to just say that book even if you read it 6 months ago? It gets the word out there." Because I don't lie. Because this is my page and if I'm on here talking about something I just read or posting a review about it on my blog, it looks bad if I say I'm reading something else.

Above all, I have to remain true to myself. If doing that means that I'm not who you want on your Street Team, that is ok because you need to do what you feel is right as well. Just let me know, and I'll leave the team - no hard feelings, no "revenge", no games. That's not who I am. If I love your books, then I will continue to promote them on this page. Because the bottom line is, it's all about reading good books and sharing them with my friends! That's why I do this.

Thank you for being here! Thank you all for supporting me. And thank you to all the authors who write books that I love.

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