She’s trying to move on, but the past won’t let her go.
I fell in love once.
It was a big mistake, but the biggest mistake of all was staying with him.
He pushed me around. He cheated and treated me like trash.
I don’t feel sorry for myself, because I let him.
But no more.
I moved out. I'm saving my stripper's salary for an education that will get me somewhere better.
But breaking the chains of a shitty past isn’t easy. He says I owe him. He says we aren’t done. I don’t care what he says anymore.
I do care about Adam.
But my history tells me I’m not the best judge of men. And the fact Adam’s been married four times tells me he probably isn’t a safe choice.
I need safe. I need better. I need out.
If the past is any indication of my future, getting out isn’t going to be easy.
“Kiss me.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. In seconds he was standing to his full impressive height and towed me up along with him. Adam released my hand and cupped my face. His hands engulfed my jaw but he was so gentle. His eyes swept over me like I was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen and around us sparks flew like snowflakes in a blizzard.
Instead of crushing his mouth to mine like I expected, like I wanted, he took his time. His heated gaze dropped to my lips, then back to my eyes. His fingers spasmed against my head and tightened ever so slightly.
Slowly, slowly he lowered his head, cupping my jaw so that I could do nothing but hold still and wait for him to arrive.
The anticipation of his lips on mine was almost my undoing. Everything going on inside me head floated away. I became aware of the moment, of the quietness in the room, of the way my body swayed wanting to get closer.
Adam’s lips brushed over mine, a gentle caress, once, twice and then a third time. He lifted his head just slightly and stared down at me, his thumb climbed up and caressed my lower lip.
He smiled softly and then joined our lips once more.
My Review:
For the longest time, Tease has been the one book from the Take It Off series that has really stuck with me and is the one I have always said is my favorite. I can't put my finger on why exactly. It's not like I've ever worked at a strip club or had a hot surfer guy fall for me. But there was just something about it that I loved. Now don't get me wrong, I've loved all of the books in the series, but Tease is just "the one" for me. And now we have Trashy, which is actually a spin-off of Tease. We were first introduced to Roxie and Adam in Tease and now Trashy is their story. And I loved it so much! It brought back some memories from Tease and now I just want to read them both again - back to back! Double the pleasure! I love all of these characters - Harlow and Cam, Roxie and Adam. Is it strange that I want to work in the club with them?
5 Stars!
(See below for my author interview.)
Cambria Hebert is the author of the young adult paranormal Heven and Hell series, the new adult Death Escorts series, and the new adult Take it Off series. She loves a caramel latte, hates math and is afraid of chickens (yes, chickens). She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband and children (both human and furry) where she is plotting her next book. You can find out more about Cambria and her work by visiting
An interview with Cambria Hebert
Roc n’ Read: Trashy is now your 10th book in the Take It
Off Series. I'm sure that they you love them all, but if you had to pick,
which one holds that extra special place in your heart?
Cambria Hebert: This is
hard, I do love them all. I really truly do. But I think TEXT will probably
always be the one to hold that special place in my heart. Trashy (and Adam)
come in close after Text.
Roc n’ Read: I know you are addicted to coffee, but
there's a bean shortage and you can not find a coffee anywhere - what else is
going to help you get through the day?
Cambria Hebert: Sitting
and crying into a pillow.
Okay, that’s not practical.
Hot tea! (Black with all
natural sweetner)
Roc n’ Read: Trashy takes place in the same strip club as
Tease. What led you to write about a strip club and those who work there?
Cambria Hebert: I’m
not really sure, ha ha. I’ve never even been inside a strip club (honest
truth). Maybe that’s why, since I’d never been this was sort of my way of
experiencing it. Course I made it all up so who knows if its accurate. Also, I
think the world of a strip club, a bartender, a club owner, etc… its real.
People work those jobs every day.
Roc n’ Read: I'm sure that you put little parts of
yourself in every book, but which female lead in the Take It Off series would
you say is most like you?
Cambria Hebert: Oh
that’s hard. I do tend to put little parts of myself in every book I write,
maybe it’s my way of connecting with each character. I would say the one most
like me would probably be Honor from Text (because she’s a writer and likes to
bake and run) or maybe Roxie in Trashy.
Roc n’ Read: The Indie author world depends heavily on
word-of-mouth and bloggers, so I'm going to throw you into my role for a
minute. Tell me what you read this year that you would recommend to all
my followers.
Cambria Hebert: This
is tough because I honestly don’t read as much as I would like. I don’t read
when I’m writing so I haven’t read that much this year. Mostly, I read almost
all of Amber Garza’s books. I really enjoyed Break Free and Winning Me Over of
hers. I also really enjoyed ARV-3 by Cameo Renae. I enjoyed Allure by Lacey
Weatherford and anything by Jennifer Armentrout (favorite of hers for me is
Frigid). I also really liked Bite and Release by debut author Cory Cyr. And even though I haven’t had the chance to
catch up on the last few releases of the series I really like the Keatyn
Chronicles by Jillian Dodd. Hopefully I will have more time to read soon! lol.

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